B2B SaaS Pricing for Private Equity

We use pricing and common sense to create commercial turnarounds in the portfolio companies of some of the best B2B SaaS investors in the world.
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We help private equity companies create winning pricing and packaging strategies.

We help our private equity clients with pricing from initial due diligence pre-acquisition to full commercial transformations involving redesigns of pricing and product portfolios, renegotiation with existing customers and a structured approach to integrating new bolt-on acquisitions.

Our clients often face issues with sub-par management teams - or getting new management up and running without overwhelming them with projects. There is often a lot of legacy debt in both product structure and customer portfolios that needs to be cleaned up before a real growth cycle can be started. We often work alongside internal value add teams or other external consultants.

We often help with:

  • Ownership Strategy: 3-7 year growth plan from acquisition to exit.
  • Raising Prices: unlock value of existing customers with pricing.
  • Due Diligence: assessment of pricing potential pre-acquisition.
  • First 100 Days: execution on low-hanging fruits for early quick wins.
  • New Markets & Channels: we create pricing for new growth tracks.
  • Integrate Acquisitions: unify and simplify product and pricing across multiple acquisitions
  • Perpetual-to-SaaS: We shift perpetual and on-prem models to SaaS.
  • Professional Services: we overhaul PS structure and pricing.
  • Exit prep: Boost profitability and growth 1-2 years ahead of exit.

Issues we often deal with:

  • Poor Management: low quality or fatigued management.
  • Resistance to Change: unwillingness and fear of change across the organisation
  • Poor Data: missing or flawed data.
  • Unclear Costs: poor cost data and unprofitable customer segments
  • Race Against Time: short timeframe to achieve results
  • Discount Culture: rampant discounting and poorly managed sales teams.
  • Commercial & Technical Debt: legacy issues in the tech stack and in customer contracts.
  • Entrenched Contracts: poor licensing and terms with no pricing mechanisms.
  • Surprises: material issues not discovered during due diligence.


Private Equity


EU Logistics Tech

Pricing Redesign & Implementation
$5-10M ARR:

EU Scale-Up

Packaging & Pricing post-M&A
$25-50M ARR

European HR-Tech

Pricing Redesign & Implementation
$50-100M ARR:
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We had this mentality: "Should we really be paying a large amount of money for somebody to do this when a lot of the ideas are going to come from us internally? Can it really be that hard?". And I guess: yes, it can.
Especially our older customers were heavily underpriced for sure.
Haukur Hannesson
A big part of the process was navigating alignment internally. And it was very clear that Ulrik and Willingness To Pay understood that this was a big part of the problem and had a methodology and approach to drive it.
Haukur Hannesson

Rethink how much you charge.

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